Designing an Office to Showcase a Brand
Client BlueSpruce
Location Chicago, IL
Size 9,000 SF
Project Type Relocation

Natural Meets Industrial

Drawing inspiration from the firm’s name, the owners worked with Whitney to outfit an environment that felt in touch with the natural world. Throughout the space, you can see tree imagery, rich colors, and warm wood materials that evoke the forest. In contrast, industrial pieces with dark metals are incorporated to create a connection to the city outside.

Making a Small Space Feel Spacious

High ceilings and plenty of natural light help make this 9,000-square-foot-space feel comfortable and well-proportioned. Private offices line the perimeter, offering privacy for proprietary investment work but still giving employees access to light through massive windows with views of the surrounding neighborhood.

Comfort Is Key

To help employees stay comfortable as they work, each office is outfitted with sit-to-stand desks and ergonomic seating. Inviting lounge areas with beautifully appointed furniture accommodate people as they check emails or decompress between meetings. And everyone has access to the café space, which is a great spot to work, meet, or take a break.